- Quasi completamente privo di emozioni (Almost entirely without feeling)
- Ondeggiando, come se gettato dalla cima della Torre Eiffel (Flailing, as though thrown from the top of the Eiffel Tower)
- Pieno di errori (Riddled with obvious errors)
- Come se i musicisti fossero nemici mortali (As though the musicians were mortal enemies)
- Incapace di trovare il proprio accendino (Unable to find one’s cigarette lighter)
- Nauseante, come dopo un’ubriacatura (Queasily, as though hungover)
- Come un piccione spiaccicato (Like a smushed pigeon)
- Dopo venti anni di matrimonio infelice (After twenty years of unhappy marriage)
- Come se fosse uno strumento preso in prestito (As though on a borrowed instrument)
- Come se una pistola fosse stata puntata sulla testa del pianista (As though a pistol were being held to the pianist’s head)
* As presented by Dr. Hafen Schlawkenbergius at the recent Society for the Study of Incredibly Esoteric Music conference in Organstadt, Iceland. A full transcript of Dr. Schlawkenbergius’s paper will be made available here at some point in the very near future. I would like to acknowledge Dr. Marcella Bencivenni (Assistant Professor of History, Hostos Community College), who assisted with the translations from the original Italian. Grazie.
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Hey Music Man,
Lo strumento suona come una anatra ferita. Tutto va bene?